Amber Riley – Fitness And Diet

Actress, singer and author, Amber Riley, who many will know as Mercedes Jones in Fox’s highly successful series, Glee. Her biggest success maybe ABC’s dancing competition in 2013, she finally won the seventeenth season of Dancing with the Stars. Recently she was reportedly going down two dress sizes after losing a ton of weight. She is now apparently able to wear much slimmer dresses due to the transformation and indeed has been seen attending galas rocking out her new look.

Riley shared that a big chunk of her weight loss was due to her decision to stop eating junk food, which she said she used to be “addicted to.” It was when her doctor told her that her health was on a downward spiral that she decided to do something about it. Well, to her credit, she seems to be on the right path, and we’re sure she’ll be shedding more pounds in the months to come.
